How to create a signature on word 2016
How to create a signature on word 2016

  • Or draw a signature in a touchscreen device.
  • Type a printed version of the signature.
  • Select the image of your chosen signature.
  • Right-click on the signature line and click “Sign.” You may:.
  • Complete the necessary details such as Suggested Signer and Title.
  • Go to the Insert Tab and click on “Signature Line.” Other versions of Word may require you to click “Signature List” under Text.
  • Place the cursor on your desired signature line or location.
  • Follow these steps to create e-signatures in Word:

    how to create a signature on word 2016

    Electronic signatures remove the requisite to print and send hardcopies before getting approvals.Ĭreating electronic signatures in Word is easy and can be applied in version 2007 up to the latest version, Office 365. Given the platform’s global popularity, the e-signature has become a more efficient form of getting approval and verification compared to wet ink signatures. Most individuals and organizations use Word to create documents.


    The next segment will discuss how to create an e-signature in Word.Ĭlick here to start signing with GMO Sign How to create an electronic signature in Word Electronic signatures can be used in a variety of software, including Microsoft Word. Thanks to electronic and digital signatures, document approval can now be done more efficiently and are legally binding.

    how to create a signature on word 2016

    Organizations rely heavily on a remote workflow.

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  • how to create a signature on word 2016

  • See GlobalSign’s full line of solutions.

  • How to create a signature on word 2016